Monday, November 5, 2012

NTWA: CM Punk's mic gets cut off

I'm sure alot of people who look at this blog have already seen the CM Punk DVD. And I realize that alot of NTWA features CM Punk. That is not intentional at all. But the things that he has done in the past year...ok really in 2011, were very awesome. It really drew me in and I really couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next. That was 2011, before this promo. I can't really remember a "rant" like this. He mentions ROH, Paul Heyman, Colt Cabana, calls out Vince and his family. It was surreal. At the time I couldn't tell if he was supposed to say that or not...I'm STILL not sure. Guess I should get the DVD. Anyway this was shot of adreniline that a fan like myself needed. Not to say I was getting bored with WWE, but it did feel like there weren't any big surprises, no game changing events, no pushing the envolope. And then THIS happened. After the "shoot" I thought "Ok now you have my full attention." Any event/wrestler that grabs your attention is nothing short of awesome!!

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