Sunday, October 14, 2012

TNA Bound For Glory Predictions

Is it that time of year again? Looks like BFG is upon us once again. How does the card look? (Looking over card).  Not too bad. I'm looking forward to the 3way tag team match. What else? (Looks at card) Al Snow in the ring...again? Hmmm. Well, we'll see what happens. Let's get to the predictions.

First, I don't think that Bully is the leader of Aces and Eights. Why? Too obvious. I'm going to give TNA a little more credit than that. Have they earned it....? No, but I think/hope they have learned from their mistakes. Who is the leader of Aces and Eights? I don't know. It would be nice if it were Anderson or C. Daniels. I hope it's no one stupid.

Al Snow vs. Joey Ryan.
As a member of the 87% I'm pretty sure this one will go to Ryan.

Samoa Joe vs. Magnus
I'll go with Samoa Joe to retain his title

Tara vs Tessmacher
A title should change hands tonight. This should be one of them. So I'll take Tara FTW

RVD vs Zema Ion
I really want RVD to win, then maybe they(TNA) will do more with the X-division, but I think Zema Ion will retain...sigh

Styles/Angle vs. Daniels/Kazarian vs. Hernandez/Chavo
This is a hard one to call...I actually want Hernandez/Chavo to win....hmmmm. Hell, why not? Hernandez/Chavo FTW

Storm vs. Roode Street fight
This should be one of the best matches of the night. I say that because last time Storm faced a former tag partner in a street fight. It was one of the best matches of the my opinion. Who's going to win? It had better be Storm, damn it LOL

Bully/Sting vs. Aces and Eights
The leader should be revealed...should, but like I said it won't be Bully...I hope, but that aside Aces and Eights will win.

Jeff Hardy vs. Austin Ares
Another hard one to call, I feel that Ares hasn't been champion long enough. However the title should change hands, if this is TNA's biggest PPV of the year. I'll pick Ares FTW.

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