Sunday, April 1, 2012

Wrestlemania 2012

It's hard to believe that is that time of the year again. WM is almost upon us. It doesn't feel like a year since Rock and Cena started butting heads, but then again Rock hasn't been around that much in the past year. Maybe thats the reason why it feels shorter than a year. I don't know. Lets look at the overall card. Not a bad card for WM, nothing silly like Snooki or Donald Trump this year. Thank God. Maybe Teddy and Johnny will "duke it out" I hope that is not the case. I am disappointed that they didn't build up the title matches as much as they could have. They're kind of an after thought to the other big draw matches. Cena/Rock and HHH/Undertaker. I do think they will be good matches and I REALLY want to see HHH/Undertaker, but I REALLY want to see Punk/Jericho as much, if not more, because I think that match has the most potiential from just a pure wrestling stand point. 2 guys 1 belt no cage/ladder required. Speaking of wrestling why isn't Natalya on this card, and why isn't she going against Beth for the title. Those are the 2 best in the company right now(my opinion) and could have a good-great match, but nope. Beth has to be put into a tag team match. Do you care about that match? I know I don't and I don't think WWE does either. If the match is less than 5min from bell to bell. Then we will know that no one including the bookers give a damn about the divas.
That's enough ranting, predictions are coming up.

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